CDM 2015 – Client Role in Roofing Projects

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The new CDM 2015 regulations came into effect on 6th April, with final implementation of the regulations on 6th October 2015.

In this post we will focus on the client’s role in roofing projects.

A commercial client is an organisation or individual for whom a construction project is carried out for in connection with a business.

What is the client’s role?

The client ensures that a construction project is set up so that it is carried out in a way that adequately controls the risks to health and safety of all those affected by the project.

Project Preparation

A good way of helping you carry out your client CDM duties, is to prepare a client brief.

Sharing these at an early stage, will help all the key duty holders approach your requirements and goals for the project

What should the client brief include?

The brief should be suitable to the size of the project. Some ideas include:

  • set realistic timeframes and budgets
  • the operational needs of the finished building
  • project expectations
  • health and safety expectations


Client’s have an important role to play. Especially with setting health and safety standards.

Pre Construction Phase

If more than one contractor is working on the project, a client must appoint a principal designer and principal contractor. If you do not do this, then you take on these roles and any associated duties that come with them.

One of the client’s main duties, is to ensure the those you appoint into the above roles are suitable to do so.

This includes:

  • necessary capabilities and resources
  • necessary skills, knowledge, training and experience
  • understand their role and duties on CDM Regulations

Pass on as much project relevant pre-construction information at the earliest opportunity. This will help others plan and foresee risks with the project and help them design works accordingly.

If necessary notify the HSE with an F10 form.

When is notification required

If the project is likely to last longer than 30 days AND have more than 20 workers on the project at any one time, or exceed 500 person days, notification is required.

Example 1:
Project Duration: 40 days
Number of workers at one time: 30 workers
Notification needed

Example 2:
Project duration: 20 weeks
Number of workers at one time: 4
20 weeks = 100 person days x 4 workers = 400 person days
No notification needed

Construction Phase

During the construction phase their is a number of things for the client to do

  1. Ensure a construction phase plan is in place. Check that the plan is relevant and meets your requirements
  2. Ensure welfare facilities are in place. These must be in place from the start of the job. If you agree to a shared welfare agreement, insure the contractor has rules to keep them tidy.
  3. Ensure management arrangements are working. This can be done through progress meetings or written updates.
  4. Check completion / handover arrangements
  5. Co-operate with the principal contractor


Categorised as CDM

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